Sblam siamo noi

Siamo un gruppo di sognatori che credono che il benessere mentale sia una componente determinante dello stare bene nella vita di tutti i giorni. Abbiamo concentrato e integrato le nostre competenze per realizzare il nostro sogno e abbiamo sviluppato Sblam.

“Vogliamo diventare il punto di riferimento per tutte le persone che vogliono migliorare la propria qualità di vita attraverso il proprio benessere mentale.”
Photo of Alessandro Viscardi

Alessandro Viscardi

COO & Co-founder

Independent thinker with a strong desire to improve the world through what I do. Ready to make Sblam the next big thing next to a team with the same values.

Photo of Francesca Lesmo

Francesca Lesmo

CEO & Co-founder

Psychologist, Psychotherapist and Sexologist. Founder of Studio Lesmo and Co-Founder of Sblam. I am fascinated by the mind and how it works. Cultivating self-awareness and knowing how to manage one's emotions is the basis for living a more peaceful life with oneself and living in harmony and peace with the rest of the world.

Photo of Francesca Bordina

Francesca Bordina

Nutrition Biologist & Divulger

As a Nutritional Biologist and Divulger, I work on personalized and long-term sustainable nutrition. I believe that healthy and balanced nutrition can be affordable for everyone. My motto is "Food is a simple thing." When I'm not in the studio, you can find me traveling the world with a camera on the one hand and a list of new foods to taste on the other hand.

Photo of Eleonora Sala

Eleonora Sala

Psychologist & Psychoterapist

Psychologist, Developmental Psychotherapist, and Honorary Judge at the Juvenile Court. Investing in oneself and one's resources is the most important choice we can make in life because real change can only come from ourselves. A psychotherapy pathway represents a valuable opportunity to improve one's quality of life.

Photo of Roberta Signorelli

Roberta Signorelli

Clinical Psichologist

I deal with neuropsychological assessments and psychological support. I work with children, adolescents, and adults. I love my work and strongly believe in the preciousness of empathy as a fundamental dimension in achieving emotional well-being. In working with people, I like to dwell on their potential.

Photo of Viola Fiorelli

Viola Fiorelli

Psychologist & Sexologist

I am a Psychologist and Sexologist consultant, working in psychological support and treating psychosexual dysfunction. I took a specific course in Perinatal Psychology to support parenting, from pregnancy to childbearing. My focus is the human complexity: each individual is unique in their way of being and being helped.

Il nostro pianeta, il nostro futuro.

Ci impegniamo a fondo ogni giorno per rendere migliore Sblam, prestando sempre grande attenzione a proteggere l’ambiente e il nostro pianeta.

Ci impegniamo a contribuire alla creazione di un futuro più sostenibile per tutte le persone.

Siamo orgogliosi di ispirarci ai principi dei Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) dell’ONU, in particolare ai seguenti obiettivi: 3 per la salute e il benessere, 5 per l’uguaglianza di genere, 8 per il lavoro dignitoso e crescita economica e 17 per la cooperazione e il partenariato

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